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Where Transformation takes place and dreams come alive through the word of God, love and worship

Welcome Home

Who we are

Victorious Ministries is a Christian based non-profit organization based in Toronto, Canada. We are financially supported by contributions from friends and partners of the ministry.


Victorious Works Ministries is called to impact the world through the love of Christ. Where transformation takes place dreams come alive through the word of God, worship and love.
We have been in operation since 2016 and offer a variety of programs which allow individuals to recognise their gifts while becoming successful leaders of tomorrow.

We have answered the call to feed those in need, clothe the poor, support prisoners develop leaders, counsel widows and orphans from all walks of life and ages. By providing global humanitarian aid to non-christians and believers that are hurting. Through mentoring and teaching biblical principles everyone will experience victory.

We are living in uncertain times, whenever we get together to testify and share scriptures with one another


As CEO of Matters of the Heart Inc, Vanessa Wheatle spends time traveling and visiting the many outreaches that are in need of help and also looking for new ways to nurture even more people.

Jesus says in Matthew 25, For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me. ...I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me! (Verses 25:35-36,40 NLT).

These scriptures have always been the backbone for everything we do through Matters of the Heart. We still continue to search for financial resources and assistance to help change individuals lives around the world.

‘For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was in prison, and you visited me."
For years, our team has been partnering with other organizations delivering workshops, special gift packages to inmates around the world containing hygiene items. Spreading love by showing others how to triumph in times of sorrow through the word of God. Our outreach mission feeds 100s of the homeless in the GTA that live in tents and swarm the streets searching for a corner to lay their head. Many who have resorted to prostitution to survive, eating from the garbage to prevent starvation have found hope through our program. With God all things are possible.
Testimonies have shown that many have received employment, a new residence and are walking in faith. With God all things are possible. We are determined to reach many more individuals as the need ahead of us is great. We can’t complete this mission without you, our supporters. Together, our program will multiply to spread light around the world in many great ways.
I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me! (Verses 25:40 NLT).

Christ looks upon acts of kindness done to the meanest godly persons, and will reward them, as if they had been done unto himself; so that though our charity must not be limited only there, yet it must be chiefly shown to those of the household of faith: other charity may be showed in obedience to the command of God, and have its reward, but none can so properly be said to be done to Christ, as that which is done to those who are his true members.


Meet the founder of Victorious Works and Chief Chaplain

Community chaplains of the way: There has been an urgent need for the church of God to respond to the societal needs for integrity, equity, righteousness, social injustice, insensitivities in the dealings of humanity. Victorious Works has partnered with Community Chaplains of the Way to respond to this need through a mix of strategies/interventions.

The Chaplaincy Board and the Chaplaincy Ministry has been set up as part of this mix of strategies being deployed to impact the world of institutions, organizations, business entities, etc. that serve society; including hospitals, prisons and correctional facilities, schools and educational facilities, emergency services, orphanages and aged homes, chieftaincy, etc.


Sign up for our classes coming up soon. August 20th, 2024

Chaplain Training has been a life changing experience for me. The discipline and servanthood that comes with it has positioned me to excel in other areas of my life. Community Chaplains of the Way has created a safe space to learn and grow to become all God has called us to be in the earth. Chaplain Graduating Class of April 2022 in Toronto!


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Become a Monthly Transformation Partner:


Monthly partners are the financial backbone of VW Ministries. We would be grateful if you would consider joining the monthly partnership team. Please click on the button below to sign up now. If you have any further questions about partnership and donations please e-mail us at and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

Giving by E-Transfer:

E-Transfers can be sent to These gifts will be auto-deposited when you send one. A tax receipt will be issued at the end of the year, please include your address and number in the memo.

What The Bible Says About Partnership:

Paul acknowledged the church of Phillipi for how they stood with him financially so he could go forward in the work God had called him to (Phil 4:14-17). In verse 17, Paul says something amazing when he notes his motivation for asking for support saying, “…Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account.”



Prayer Requests

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